Kamis, 08 Februari 2018

Rambut Siwi Temple - Bali Tour

The island of Bali is also known as the island of a thousand temples, so it is not surprising you can find various types of temples in Bali, such as Sad Kahyangan temple and Dang Kahyangan Jagat, Kahyangan Tiga including also temples residing in every yard countless Hindu people. This makes it known as the island of the Gods, because the holy temple in Bali other than to worship ancestors and holy teachers, also to worship Gods and Goddess who is a manifestation of God or Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa. And one of the temple is quite big and famous is Rambut Siwi Temple

If you are traveling in the direction of West Bali, whether for a tour destination, a spiritual tour or a trip from Denpasar to Java, then you will meet Pura Rambut Siwi. Its location is in the village of Yeh Embang Kangin, Kec. Mendoyo, Kab. Jembrana. Approximately 17 km east of the state city and on the main side of Denpasar - Gilimanuk main road you will meet a temple called Pura Pesanggrahan or Penyawangan temple Rambut Siwi here is usually a lot of Hindus pause to pray for salvation on the way. From Pura Penyawangan here you continue the journey to the south about 200 meters and directly to the parking near the temple courtyard, if a large body vehicle like a bus access to the temple can pass another way to the west.

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