Kamis, 08 Februari 2018

Palasari Dam - Bali Tour

To support the limitations of water sources where the water supply is only available during the rainy season, the community is eager for water facilities to be available sufficiently and regularly to improve agricultural business in the area of ​​Ekasari village and surrounding areas. So built a Dam named Bendungan Palasari located in the hamlet Palasari, Village Ekasari, District Melaya, Jembrana, Bali. Palasari dam is backed by a pretty good forest protection, and has a cool air. So that the Palasari Dam is suitable for Tirtha tourism as well as Wana tours in the surrounding area.

The Palasari Dam is located 22 km northwest of the city (Jembrana town center) or 120 km west of Denpasar, Bali. Where the physical construction of the Palasari Dam started in April 1986 which has a puddle of 100 Ha reservoir with a water volume of 8,000,000 m3 and can be completed within 3.5 years according to the planned schedule. The construction of the Palasari Dam cost Rp 9 billion, sourced from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) loan. Palasari Dam was inaugurated by President Soeharto on 23 July 1989.

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